Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

My song now (ɔ'́ ̯'̀c)

Baby, it's really amazing what I go through without you
You know sometimes I find myself counting
Counting the hours, the minutes, the seconds, the moments

Darling, please don't make me wait too long
I wanna love you, baby
Can't you see it's only you I want
And you I need

Please don't make me wait too long
I wanna love you, baby
Can't you see it's only you I want
And you I need

When I'm away from you
Seems like forever, yeah
Girl, if you only knew
What I go through without you

But knowing in a moment I'll
I'll see that face and see your smile [Give it here]
I turn the key [Give it here], open up the door [Give it here]
Girl, there you are, I can't take much more

Darling, please don't make me wait too long
I wanna love you, baby
Can't you see it's only you I want
And you I need

Please don't make me wait too long
I wanna love you, baby
Can't you see it's only you I want
You I need

You're in my arms again
And heaven is waiting
Ah'one more kiss and then
Then I'll begin, I'll be makin'

Making you feel inside
Happy, please and so satisfied [Give it here]
No friends to pack [Give it here] and no phones calls [Give it here]
You got what I want, girl, I want it all

Darling, please don't make me wait too long
I wanna love you, baby
Can't you see it's only you I want
And you I need

Please , girl, don't make me wait too long
I wanna love you, baby
Can't you see it's only you I want
And you I need

Please don't make me
Girl, don't make me, make me
[It's only you I want, I want]

Please [Don't make me wait too long, too long]
[I's only you I want, I want

BarryWhite~My Everything (ɔˆ⌣ˆ)ˆ⌣ˆc)

to : my mother:* (´••`)
We got it together did'nt we
nobody but you and me
we got it together baby

my first, my last, my everything
and the answer to all my dreams
you're my sun, my moon, my guiding star
my kind of wonderful, that's what you are

i know there's only, only one like you
theres no way they could have made two
you're you're all i'm living for
your love i'll keep for evermore, 
you're the first my last my everything

in you i've found so many things
a love so new only you could bring
can't you see if you,
you'll make me feel this way
you're like a first morning dew on a brand new day

i see so many ways that i can love you 
till the day i die........

you're my reality yet i'm lost in a dream
you're the first my last my everything

*** instrumental ***

i know there's only, only one like you
theres no way they could have made two
girl you're my reality
but i'm lost in a dream
you're the first you're the last my everything

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble

Far below the ocean waves, a gnarble lay in bed,
All night long his gnarble dreams kept swimming in his head.
He dreamt a dream of swimming
    up to see the sky above,
Lit up by the sun in colors
    he just knew he'd love.
But gnarbles never swam that high, their fins were much too small,
Their tails were thin and floppy, which didn't help at all.
This gnarble liked his fins and had no problem with his tail,
So when he woke he knew that he just couldn't, wouldn't fail
"I'm swimming up above the waves to see the sky of blue;
I've never seen it even once, and now it's time I do."
But the other gnarbles warned him that he shouldn't swim so high,
As did the blyfish family that always swam close by.
"No gnarble's ever swam that high, it simply isn't done,
A blyfish might just make the trip, but we know you're not one."
"Gnarbles don't have flappers like all us blyfish do,
You don't even have koggers like the swimming gungaloo."
But the gnarble didn't listen and he left his friends behind.
No silly blyfish family could ever change his mind.
He swam up past the boulders made of spongy gishy-gosh,
And flew right by the herd of floating feeding fipple-fosh.
His fins were getting tired but he knew he couldn't stop,
So he kept swimming faster, trying hard to reach the top.
Just then a hungry warckel blocked the gnarble with his fin.
He grabbed him by his tail and brought him right up to his chin.
"I've never had a gnarble, this would be a tasty treat,
But you're much too thin and tiny for big old me to eat."
So the gnarble just kept swimming, and didn't dare to stop,
Until he heard the sound of a great big bubble POP!
He turned around to see that he was in a bit of trouble.
The sound he heard was that of a silver subbalubble.
The gnarble tried to hide somewhere that he could safely stay.
But the subbalubble saw him and was headed right his way
"Oh Mister Subbalubble, please don't eat me up for lunch,
I'll bring a yummy plant instead, for you to sit and munch."
"I've never seen a gnarble try to swim this high before.
What is it, little fishy, that you're up here looking for?"
"If I could see the sky just once, I'd be a happy fish.
To do one flip above the waves would be my only wish."
"Well sorry silly gnarble, but I cannot let you go.
It's subbalubble dinner time--you should've stayed below."
The gnarble cowered back in fear and shook from fin to fin,
But then he saw a school of fish called shiny glimmy glin.
The glimmy glin swam right past the subbalubble's face,
And the gnarble grabbed a glimmy fin and quickly left that place.
The gnarble swam up higher still,
    until he saw some light.
He knew it had to be the sun
    and, oh was it a sight!
Closely by a plink was sleeping, lying on his back.
He rubbed his giant belly as he dreamed about a snack.
The gnarble smiled happily
    and set his fins a swimming
But he didn't see the plink wake
    up, for he was busy grinning.
he gnarble almost made it
    to the surface of the sea,
But the plink chomped down
    and swallowed him as if he were a pea
The gnarble sat inside the plink and started softly crying.
He'd never make it out, so was there any point in trying?
But the Gnarble knew he'd come too close to quit and give up now,
"There must be someway out of here. There's got to
be somehow."

So the gnarble swam around inside, trying very hard to think,
And while he did, his floppy tail was tickling the plink.
   The plink was very ticklish and he couldn't hold it in.
He tried to cover up his laugh with his giant plinkish fin.

But his mouth was open long enough for the gnarble to swim free.
He swam so fast the hungry plink did not have time to see.
Far above the ocean floor, above the gnarbles' homes,
Above the blyfish families and dancing water-gnomes,
Above the swimming gungaloo and slimy dundledun,
A gnarble flipped above the waves and smiled at the sun.
The End.

Manifesto Politik 1925 (‾•_•‾)

Manifesto politik adalah suatu pernyataan terbuka tentang tujuan dan pandangan seseorang atau suatau kelompok terhadap masalah negara. pada masa pergerakan nasional, perhimpunan Indonesia mengeluarkan pernyataan politik yang berkaitan dengan nasib dan masa depan bangsanya. pernyataan politik ini amat penting artinya bagi terwujudnya Indonesia merdeka yang didengar dan didukung oleh dunia Internasional. konsep-konsep manifesto politik Perhimpunan Indonesia sebenarnya telah dimunculkan dalam Majalah Hindia Poetra, edisi Maret 1925. akan tetapi. perhimpunan Indonesia baru menyampaikan manifesto politiknya secara tegas pada awal tahun 1925 yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Manifesto Politik 1925
Manifesto Politik 1925 yang merupakan pernyataan dasar atau deklarasi dari perhimpunan Indonesia di negeri Belanda berbunyi sebagai berikut :
" Masa depan rakyat Indonesia secara eksekusif dan semata-mata terletak di dalam bentuk suatau pemerintahan yang bertanggungjawab kepada rakyat dalam arti yang sebenarnyabenarnya, karena hanya bentuk pemerintahan yang seperti itu saja yang dapat diterima oleh rakyat. setiap orang Indonesia haruslah berjuang untuk tujuan ini sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kecakapannya, dengan kekuatan dan usahanya sendiri, tanpa bantuan dari luar. setiap pemecahbelahan kekuatan bangsa Indonesia dalam bentuk apapun haruslah ditentang, karena hanya dengan persatuan yang eratdianatara putra-putra Indonesia saja yang dapat menuju ke arah tercapainya tujuan bersama" 
Apabila dikaji secara cermat, Manifesto Politik 1925 mengandung empat poko pikiran yang mencakup hal-hal sebagai berikut:
a. kesatuan nasional yang mengesampingkan perbedaan berdasarkan daerah dan membentuk kesatuan aksi melawan Belanda serta menciptakan negara kebangsaan Indonesia yang merdeka dan bersatu.
b. Solidaritas yang disebabkan adanya pertentangan kepentingan di anatara penjajah dan terjajah sarta tajamnya konflik anatara kulit putih dan sawo matang.
c. nonkooperasi bahwa kemerdekaan bukan hanya hadiah dari Belanda, tetapi harus direbus dengan mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri
d. Swadaya yakni mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri dengan mengembangkan struktur alternati dalam kehidupan nasioanl, poltik, sosial, ekonomi, dan hukum yang sejajar dengan administrasi kolonial

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

My Friendship (ʃƪ˘˘з)~♥

 tita, aku, pavita, titah, anggi, elcy, mimi, tika, aulia

tita, elcy, aku, pavita, aulia, sekar, anggi, tika, mimi



Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

saat bahagiaku duduk berdua denganmu hanyalah bersama mu:*

Penggunaan Istilah INDONESIA

Penggunaan istilah "Indonesia" muncul pertama kali dalam pengertian geografis pada tahun 1850. istiah tersebut dikenalkan oleh seorang etnolog yang juga redaktur Journal of the indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia berkebangsaan Inggris bernama J.R Logan. menurutnya, kata Indonesia itu berasal dari gabungan dua kata yaitu, India dan nesos yang bermakna Kepulauan Hindia. yang dimaksud Kepulauan Hindia adalah pulau pulau dan penduduk Indonesia, selanjutnya kata Indonesia dalam arti etnologis telah digunakan sejak tahun 1884 dalam tulisan seorang jerman yang bernama A.Bastian. Dalam tulisan A.Bastian berjudul Indonesien oder die Inselndes Malayischen Archipels, terdapat kata Indonesia yang tidak lain adalah Kepulauan Melayu (Hindia).
Sejak kedua pakar itu memunculkan kata Indonesia,istilah Indonesia kemudian dipakai dalam ilmu etnologi, hukum adat, dan ilmu bahasa oleh guru guru besar Universitas Leiden, seperti  R.A. Kern, Snouck Hurgronye, Van Vallenhoven  dan lain lain. dalam beberapa buku yang ditulis para guru besar itu, istilah Indonesia disebarluaskan melalui pemakaian kata kata indonesie, Indonesier, atau indinesisch.