Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Remember When

Remember when I cried to you a thousand times
I told you everything
You know my feelings
It never crossed my mind
That there would be a time
For us to say goodbye
What a big surprise
But I’m not lost
I’m not gone
I haven’t forgot
These feelings I can’t shake no more
These feelings are running out the door
I can feel it falling down
And I’m not coming back around
These feelings I can’t take no more
This emptiness in the bottom drawer
It’s getting harder to pretend
And I’m not coming back around again
Remember when…
I remember when it was together till the end
Now I’m alone again
Where do I begin?
I cried a little bit
You died a little bit
Please say there’s no regrets
And say you won’t forget
But I’m not lost
I’m not gone
I haven’t forgot
These feelings I can’t shake no more
These feelings are running out the door
I can feel it falling down
And I’m not coming back around
These feelings I can’t take no more
This emptiness in the bottom drawer
It’s getting harder to pretend
And I’m not coming back around again
Remember when…
That was then
Now it’s the end
I’m not coming back
I can’t pretend
Remember When
These feelings I can’t shake no more
These feelings are running out the door
I can feel it falling down
And I’m not coming back around
These feelings I can’t take no more
This emptiness in the bottom drawer
It’s getting harder to pretend
And I’m not coming back around again..

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012


entah kenapa? aku pengen ngepost di blog ku yang udah lama gak aku buka,
rasanya aku pngen curhat tentang aku selama ini,
aku seneng udah bisa deket lagi sama boy
aku udah deket sama seorang cwok yang nothing special buat aku, tapi dia ckup berati
tapi kenapa? saat kayak ginituh ada waktu kita mau pisah? ditunda gitu.. aku masih nyaman di 8D kelas yang bakal aku kangenin, full of memories
:") mulai dari krisna dan devian yang gokil, sarmadi dan alan yang soksokan haha, suryodan nando best couple *cuit* anand dan rista yang pendiem, ocik, mimi, titah trio TOA haha, vega yang eksis, sabrina yang nantang wkwkw, ajeng yang kepo dan sebelahnya yang cukup cocok sama ajeng it's vera, ahaha
then musti dan ulfa yang super pedes, fani dan widya yang kompak, titah yang setia, pokoknya anymore